(Dis)Orientation est une série d’événements organisée par GRIP (Groupe de recherche sur l’intérêt public du Québec) qui vise à fournir une orientation alternative aux nouveaux étudiants, aux membres de la communauté et aux étudiants revenant sur la base d’une justice…
QPIRG Concordia Research Stipends
QPIRG Concordia Summer Stipend Call for Proposals
Bourse de projet du GRIP à Concordia Date limite : dimanche le 2 juin 2019, avant 23h59 L’intention des bourses de recherche du GRIP est d’offrir un budget ou des honoraires de 4000$ pour travailler sur un projet de recherche…
[:en]DEADLINE EXTENDED- QPIRG Concordia is Hiring a DisOrientation Coordinator
[:en]The CSU elections : QPIRG CONCORDIA Endorses RiZe
QPIRG CONCORDIA believes that RiZe’s team is the best to fill the Executive seats.
RiZe’s platform is the most aligned with our core values and principles and we believe that they have the ideas that will work in the best interest of Concordia’s undergraduate students.
Although we support all of RiZe’s principles, here are a few we would like to put emphasis on
RiZe’s platform is the most aligned with our core values and principles and we believe that they have the ideas that will work in the best interest of Concordia’s undergraduate students.
Although we support all of RiZe’s principles, here are a few we would like to put emphasis on