Appel à contributions : ART EN ACTION (9-12 novembre)

Callout for proposals:
ART IN ACTION (November 9-12, 2015)
Creative student & community contributions related to social & environmental justice

Organized by QPIRG Concordia as part of CURE Concordia’s RADICAL RESEARCH WEEK.

-> Contribute artwork to the ART IN ACTION fall exhibition, part of Radical Research Week.
deadline for submissions: OCTOBER 13, 2015, 5pm..

ART IN ACTION highlights creative community and student contributions related to social and environmental justice issues through diverse mediums including: drawing, painting, photography, performance, film & video, installation, music, spoken word, zine, collage, water colour, poster, and print.

ART IN ACTION is co-sponsored by QPIRG Concordia, and affiliated with Study In Action as well as the Community-University Research Exchange (CURE Concordia).

ART IN ACTION will be a week long exhibit on the 7th floor of the Hall Building.

We are currently seeking submissions for the ART IN ACTION fall exhibition (November 9-12, 2015). ART IN ACTION themes can include:
* art and alternative media
* economics, austerity, and anti-capitalism
* environmental justice
* food sovereignty
* gender and feminism
* geopolitics and international solidarity
* health, bodily sovereignty and harm reduction
* indigenous sovereignty and de-colonization
* migration
* prisoner justice and policing
* public space, poverty and gentrification
* radical education and pedagogy
* sex and sexuality
[don’t hesitate to suggest other topics]


Please send an e-mail to with “Art In Action Fall Submission” in the subject line . Please include all of the following information clearly:

a) description: Please send a 250-word description, exactly as it will appear in our publicity.
b) artist name: Please provide your name, exactly as it will appear in our publicity.
c) mini-bio: Provide a short (3-4 lines) description of the artist, exactly as it will appear in our publicity.
d) affiliation(s): Please include any relevant affiliations (college/university faculty; websites; art galleries).
e) installation parameters: Please provide details about how your artwork should be installed and/or performed.
f) jpg attachments: Please include, if possible, jpg attachments of the artwork(s) you are submitting for consideration.
g) motivation: If necessary, include more information about your submission, and how it relates to ART IN ACTION.
h) contact information: Provide an e-mail address so that the ART IN ACTION collective can stay in touch.

Send all of the above information to with “Art In Action Fall Submission” in the subject line. The deadline for submissions is OCTOBER 13, 2015 at 5pm.

This installment of ART IN ACTION is part of CURE Concordia’s RADICAL RESEARCH WEEK.
