(October 17) QPIRG Concordia’s Open House and Annual General Meeting (AGM)!

Venez en grand nombre à notre assemblée générale annuelle et la soirée portes ouvertes! Le jeudi 17 octobre Portes ouvertes – 17h30 / AGA – 18h30 PILE 1500, de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204 Une collation sera servie à 17h30 Nos locaux…

Consider being a Working Group at QPIRG Concordia (deadline: October 4, 2013)

– Faites-vous partie d’un collectif de base qui travaille sur des enjeux, des idées, des projets ou des campagnes particuliers? – Avez-vous envisagé d’adhérer au GRIP Concordia en tant que groupe de travail? – La date limite pour les mises…

SCHOOL SCHMOOL: The 2013-14 alternative agenda & day planner

SCHOOL SCHMOOL is the name of the activist day planner for students at Concordia, McGill and the wider Montreal community. SCHOOL SCHMOOL includes engaging articles, resources and practical tools for students and non-students alike to participate in social and environmental…

QPIRG Concordia is hiring a Community University Research Exchange (CURE) Program Coordinator

Community University Research Exchange (CURE) Program Coordinator (Project Number: I-24431-22) Contract and Eligibility Details: Please note that this position is open to Concordia students approved for International Work Study Positions only (projects beginning with the letter I).  For more information about…

DISORIENTATION 2013: A different side of student life (September 23-30)

The Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia presents: DISORIENTATION 2013: A different side of student life! September 23-30, 2013 Free & welcome to all: new students & returning students; members of the campus & the community. HIGHLIGHTS/SCHEDULE IN…