(MERCREDI 18h30) La grève générale étudiante du Québec (#ggi … wtf?!)

The Quebec Student General Strike … WTF?!
7th floor Hall Building – 1455 de Maisonneuve West[:]

wheelchair accessible
childcare available on request (please phone 24 hours in advance)
free and welcome to all

The Quebec Student General Strike (#ggi) was a historic moment, mobilizing thousands, and resulting in the cancellation of tuition hikes in the context of a wider fightback against neo-liberalism. This discussion will be a space for students to learn more about the recent student strike, and to look forward to next steps for student-based movements for social justice. The format will include prepared remarks by strike participants from Concordia and other campuses, as well as a facilitated discussion on a few thematic questions.

Basically, this will be a discussion to answer the question: #ggi … wtf!

This event is co-sponsored by the School of Community & Public Affairs Student Association (SPCASA) & the Geography Undergraduate Student Society (GUSS), as well as QPIRG Concordia.

Part of QPIRG Concordia’s DisOrientation: A different side of student life.
INFO: www.qpirgconcordia.org514-848-7585info@qpirgconcordia.org

Le Groupe de recherche d’intérêt public du Québec à Concordia (GRIP Concordia)
The Quebec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia University (QPIRG Concordia)
Your campus-community link for social change!

Nous sommes situés à / We are located at:
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, # 204
tél: 514-848-7585 – fax: 514-848-7584
Heures d’ouvertures : lundi à jeudi, 12h-18h
Office Hours: M-Th, 12-6pm

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