Working & Solidarity Groups


WORKING GROUPS are the heart of QPIRG Concordia. They are groups, collectives, networks, projects, and campaigns that organize together in the Montreal community, and beyond, on a wide variety of issues directly related to social and environmental justice.

Together, QPIRG Concordia’s working groups share skills and knowledge, engage in popular education and art, organize events and protests, provide direct support and solidarity, publish alternative research and analysis, and, in general, contribute, encourage, and maintain resistance in diverse and creative ways. Read more about this year’s working groups below.
Our 2024-2025 Working Groups include:

(full descriptions and contact information included below)

1. Accessibilize Montreal

Accessibilize Montreal! aims to make Montréal a more accessible place in every way: from the mindsets and interactions between Montrealers to the infrastructure that surrounds us. By holding workshops and providing trainings, we seek to challenge mainstream perceptions of disability, and through advocacy and direct action we protest transit and systemic discrimination. Join us in our movement beyond ableism and in respect of diversity!

2. Artemisia Mutual Aid Collective

The Artemisia Mutual Aid Collective is an alliance of community herbalists, medicine makers, gardeners, and activists living and working on the unceded lands of the Kanien’keha:ka and Omamiwininiwag Nations (Montréal and western Québec). Our goal is to provide support in the form of herbal medicine, knowledge sharing, and herbal consultations to communities and individuals made vulnerable by systemic oppression.

3. Atwater Pantry

The Atwater Community Pantry is an anti-capitalist mutual aid project founded in 2021 by students at Dawson College. It’s a 24/7, no-barrier, outdoor pantry founded on the belief that our communities are safer when we look after one another and that food should be free for all, not commodified.

4. Article 47
  • Funding Non-Qualified Donees, who are often excluded from charitable giving
  • Funding advocacy work that’s considered too “radical” or not “proven” enough for governments or foundations to support
  • Proactively engaging with (and supporting) emerging community leaders who wouldn’t know how to ask for funding from mainstream institutions, or don’t have the time to fill in the heavy paperwork involved
  • Providing survival funds to grassroots community members, based on the belief that there isn’t a truly meaningful distinction between “organizing” and “survival” for communities on the front lines of oppression and state violence

5. Black Healing Fund

Black Healing Fund is a growing, volunteer-run initiative that exists to provide low-income Black folks in the Tio’tia:ke / Montreal area with discretionary funding and resources that contribute to mental health and wellness.

6. Black and Indigenous Harm Reduction Alliance (BIHRA)

BIHRA is a grassroots collective that organizes around issues of health & harm reduction for Indigenous & Black people in Tio’tia:ke, with a special focus on the needs and experiences of drug users, incarcerated people, sex workers, and 2SLGBTQIA. Through peer-to-peer outreach, advocacy, and mutual aid, we work to build kinship, empowerment, and holistic well-being in our communities.

7. Building Community – Comité des Citoyen(ne)s de Milton-Parc

Building Community is a citizens’ education project of the Milton-Parc Citizens’ Committee (CCMP). We seek to encourage community development through popular education and social action rooted in ecological and democratic principles. Throughout the year, we host workshops, guided tours, screenings, and lectures on the social economy, climate change, cooperative housing, and more, and support campaigns on a variety of community issues including protecting green spaces and building social housing.


8. Caring for Social Justice

We are a health justice collective based in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal. We organize around various campaigns (Health for all, Joyce’s Principle, prisoner solidarity, Palestine)

9. Centre Social Anarchiste l’Achoppe

The anarchist social center l’Achoppe is a self-managed political space that aims to disseminate a revolutionary culture, establish practices of mutual aid and solidarity, and support ongoing struggles. Among other things, it hosts workshops, screenings, trainings, reading circles, a library, a bicycle mechanics workshop and a collective kitchen.It’s a place of learning that’s open to anyone who’s sympathetic to anarchist ideas or wants to find out more about the subject. You can visit us every Tuesday afternoon from 1pm to 6pm during our permanences café to find out more about the space and how you can get involved!

IG : csa_lachoppe

FB : Centre Social l’Achoppe

general email :

to book the space :

10. C.O.B.P – Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière

Le Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière (COBP) est un collectif autonome qui regroupe des personnes victimes, témoins et/ou concernés par la brutalité policière et tout abus perpétré par la police. Le COBP a pour but non seulement de dénoncer les harcèlements, violences, intimidation, arrestations et abus de pouvoirs policiers et d’informer les gens sur leurs droits face à la police, mais aussi de soutenir les victimes en les aidant par exemple à porter plainte en déontologie et autres recours à faire face à des accusations abusives.


11. Community Advocacy Tiohtià:ke

Community Advocacy Tiohtia:ke is a grassroots collective that aims to improve people’s experiences in shelters and aid organizations by facilitating dialogue between staff and service users. Through direct advocacy, we promote the rights of homeless and underhoused people, encouraging organisations to adopt higher standards of compassion and care.

12. Certain Days Political Prisoner Calendar Committee

The Certain Days Political Prisoner Calendar Committee works to support, educate about and fundraise for political prisoners through the production of a yearly calendar. The calendar is a project produced by organizers in Montreal,Toronto and New York City, with the support of 3 political prisoners in New York State. We work with an anti-imperialist, anti-racist, feminist, queer- and trans-liberationist perspective to help free our movement’s political prisoners.


13. Circles

Circles is a discussion group for black people to discuss among themselves about issues that they face inside of their communities but don’t find enough spaces to address these issues deeply. The conversations will be filmed in order to use it as an education tool. Conversations will be filmed and recorded with the consent of the participants. These discussions have the intent to build community outside of moments of reactions due to antiblackness incidents happening in Montreal and Quebec.

14. Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC)

The Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC) is a coordination space for the radical anticapitalist community in Montreal. The CLAC’s mandate is to distributed anticapitalist information through the organization of campaigns and protests, including the annual anticapitalist MayDay protest. The CLAC is explicitly an anticapitalist, antipatriarchal, anti authoritarian and anticolonialist space.

15. CEDAS – ASCED – Collectif d’éducation et de diffusion anarcho-syndicaliste / Anarcho-syndicalist collective for education and diffusion.

Our aim is to spread anarcho-syndicalist ideas to facilitate the application of revolutionary, egalitarian, anarchist strategies in the mean to fight against specific oppression and capitalist exploitation (in both it’s private and statist forms). Our approach was popular education and self-education. We wish that this process feeds debates in social movements (community groups, unions) and among oppressed and exploited social groups so that collectively we can radicalize our practices and social change perspectives.

17. Cultur’elles MTL

Cultur’elles MTL is an organization dedicated to the advancement of BIPOC women in the fields of culture, arts, and media through creative workshops, digital content, and artistic/cultural events.

18. Defund La Police

Defund La Police is a coalition bringing together 80+ Montreal-based groups and organizations to demand that the city of Montréal reduce the power, presence, and budget of the SPVM in order to create real safety by reinvesting in communities, meeting people’s needs, and eliminating state violence.

20. Food Against Fascism

Food Against Fascism is a food security project run by a collective of antiracists and antifascists. We distribute home cooked, healthy meals to people in need, as well as offer solidarity servings to like-minded organizations and collectives. If you want to volunteer with us, or if you want us to cook for your event, contact

21. The Food Forest Project

Food forests are gardens of edible and medicinal plant-life nurtured to mimic the natural growing patterns of forests. It is a type of food production that is grounded in concepts like food sovereignty, regenerative agriculture, and agroecology, an alternative to industrial agriculture which has decimated food systems across the world. Our goal is to create a community rooted in mutual aid, reciprocity, land-based experiential learning and post-capitalist futurities. Learning about food production is part of reclaiming one’s food sovereignty as well as taking climate action, and we hope that our project will serve as a space for those seeking knowledge, empowerment, skill-building, and some good, free food.

Reach us through our instagram page (@the_food_forest_project_) or our email (

22. Food Not Bombs NDG // Bouffe Zéro Bombes NDG

FNB NDG is a mutual aid collective against funding war when so many of us go hungry. We serve free weekly vegetarian meals to all.

23. Foulab

Foulab is Montreal’s hackerspace, a non-profit organization that aims to provide a collaborative and well-equipped environment that allows its users to explore new technologies while sharing knowledge and ideas.

We are currently open every Tuesdays and Thursdays after 6:30pm – 11pm for visitors.

  • Our Address: Suite 33B, 999 du Collège, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4C 2S3
  • Our Email: info at
  • Our IRC Channel: #foulab on (Web Chat)
  • Our telephone number: 514-360-5696 / 1-844-4FOULAB (1-844-436-8522)
  • Our Website:
24. Game Workers Unite Montreal

GWU Montréal is the Montréal chapter of Game Workers Unite, an international grassroots movement and organization that seeks to connect pro-union activists, exploited workers, and allies in the name of building a unionized game industry. We aim to achieve better working conditions, recognition, and mutual support for Montréal’s game workers.

25. Independent Jewish Voices

The goal of IJV Concordia is to organize and mobilize the strong contingent of Jewish students on Concordia’s campus who support Palestinian human rights, oppose the occupation and genocide, and are calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza, we say, not in our name, and furthermore, fight to negate the equation of antizionism being antisemitism. We also work to provide a safe space for the Jewish community because of their support for Palestine, and their criticism of the state of Israel.

IG: @ijvconu

26. La Grange Farm Collective

La Grange Farm Collective is a group of Montreal and Laval residents who like to play in the dirt. Working on, restoring, and maintaining a piece of land located near Terrebonne in Laval (accessible via STM), the group aims to create a space where people can come together to share DIY farming skills and the joys of beyond organic, local food and medicine.

27. La Mandragore, bibliothèque féministe queer

La Mandragore est une bibliothèque féministe queer située à
Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. Avec plus de 300 titres queer et féministes qui ne reproduisent pas les stéréotypes sexistes et qui proposent des alternatives aux constructions binaires du genre. Nous organisons des ateliers et des événements gratuits dans une perspective anticoloniale, antiraciste et anticapitaliste.

28. Lueurs – Transformative Justice Collective

Based in Tio’tia:ke / Mooniyang / Montreal, Lueurs was formed during a revolutionary strategic gathering in the summer of 2022 to think about the question of justice from an abolitionist perspective aimed at ending Canadian prisons, police and the colonial justice system. We want to organize ourselves to develop the tools and skills we need to respond to the violence and conflicts running through our activist, artistic and queer communities.

Our approach is twofold: on the one hand, to intervene locally to take direct care of the destructive dynamics that undermine our relationships, communities and projects; on the other, to disseminate transformative justice practices in order to contribute to large-scale abolitionist social transformation.

29. Montreal Anarchist Bookfair Collective

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, brings together anarchist ideas and practice, through words, images, music, theatre, and day-to-day struggles for justice, dignity, and collective liberation. The Bookfair is as much for people who don’t necessarily consider themselves anarchists, but are curious about anarchism, as they are spaces for anarchists to meet, network, and share in a spirit of respect and solidarity. All are welcome!

30. The Montreal Autonomous Tenant’s Union (SLAM/MATU)

A union of tenants situated in Tiohtià:ke (Montréal) using direct action to fight landlords. Our tenants’ union is built on principles of individual

autonomy and initiative. We are a direct democracy of

tenants looking to organize within their own buildings,

or to help others to do the same.

IG: slam.matu

31. Montreal Trans Patient Union

The Montreal Trans Patient Union is a collective by and for trans and nonbinary patients. We advocate for better care practices at clinics in Tio’tia:ke (colonially known as Montreal) and provide resources and individual assistance to help trans people navigate their transitions in the city.

32. Open Door Books

Open Door Books (ODB) is part of an informal network of Books to Prisoners programs throughout North America. ODB seeks to support and work in solidarity with imprisoned people. We believe that prisons and the (in)justice system act as institutions of social control and oppression, further targeting marginalized people as a result of patriarchy, racism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ableism, and colonialism.

514 848 7585

33. Pan Asian Collective

Pan Asian Collective

PAC began as a group to aim to fill a gap in the Tio’tia:ke/Montreal community by creating an intersectional space meant for Pan-Asian support, education and solidarity. We have a mandate that is anti-patriarchial and intersectionally feminist, anti-racist, anti-colourist, anti-colonial, anti-ableist, anti-classist, body-positive, queer-positive and trans-positive. We are not bound by a national identity, rather a common experience that comes with being racialized as Asian. We aim to continue building and growing a community space for Pan-Asian people who have otherwise not found their space in predominant Asian spaces in North America.

34. Papineau for Palestine

Papineau pour la Palestine is a community group responding to the call from the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) for more escalated and targeted action to end Canada’s support for Israel and their genocide of the Palestinian people, profiting off this violence. Papineau for Palestine sees Israel as an illegitimate settler-colonial and apartheid regime that perpetuates oppression and violence against Palestinians. 

This project from Papineau pour la Palestine aims to implement a comprehensive doorknocking and outreach strategy to foster stronger relationships within the Papineau federal riding (Villeray, Saint-Michel, and Parc-Extension neighbourhoods), mobilize support for Palestine, and organize collective action to influence government policies. Through targeted outreach efforts, education, and strategy sessions, we aim to empower the community to actively participate in advocating for justice and change.

35. Prisoner Correspondence Project

The Prisoner Correspondence Project is a solidarity project for gay, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, gendervariant, two-spirit, intersex, bisexual and queer prisoners in Canada and the United States, linking them with people a part of these same communities outside of prison.

36. Politics & Care

Politics & Care is a space to weave links between collective well-being, care and politics. All that with a little bit of magic! We are a collective of artists-community organizers dedicated to integrating care in our politics. We hold collective discussions and facilitate workshops for collectives, community organisations and more.

You can write to us at :

37. Re-Con

Re-Con is a prisoner-initiated re-integration program created in 1999. The group is made up of people serving a life sentence at one of two federal prisons in Laval, formerly incarcerated members now serving
their sentence on parole, and outside volunteers. It is Re-Con’s main goal to establish links between prisoners and the community after a long period of incarceration and isolation. We aim to diminish the effects of institutionalization through personal development workshops and by introducing our incarcerated members to community resources which may help re-integration into society upon release from prison.

38. Resource Movement

Resource Movement is a community of young people with wealth and/or class privilege working toward the redistribution of wealth, land, and power. We educate ourselves about the roots of inequality, encourage each other to take bold action in solidarity with social justice movements, and open space for critical voices within philanthropy, business, and public policy sectors.

39. Sankofa Farming Collective

The Sankofa Farming Cooperative is an intentional, slow-growing, and community-centered charitable working cooperative focused on Black Indigenous healing and empowering our relationships to land. We emphasize learning Afro-Indigenous agricultural-cultural practices and distributing free food to community members and students. Our collective is composed of Concordia alumni, undergraduate, and graduate students with diverse Afro-Indigenous backgrounds.

40. Sidetracks Screenprinting Collective

Sidetracks is a collective of activists and artists working within an anti-oppression framework toward social and economic transformation. We share skills and resources to create art in the spirit of self-representation and revolution while making screenprinting accessible to groups working towards social change and transformation – namely those working within an anti-racist & 2sLGBTQIA+ inclusive framework – and offering an affordable space for emerging artists to develop their artistic practice.

41. Solidarity Across Borders

Solidarity Across Borders is a migrant justice network based in Montreal, active since 2003. We are comprised of migrants and allies, and we organize together to support individuals and families who are confronting an unjust immigration and refugee system. We engage in popular education, support work, as well as political mobilizations, including demonstrations, pickets, delegations, and direct actions.

42. South Asian Diaspora Action Collective (SADAC)

We are a grassroots group based in Tio’tia:ke (Montreal) who act in solidarity with the struggles of various oppressed groups, activists, movements & peoples in South Asia and here in our communities. (Formerly called, India Civil Watch-Montreal).

IG: @sadac_mtl

twitter: sadacmtl

43. Pride Therapy Network

The Pride Therapy Network of Montreal is a collective of independent mental health practitioners who strive to offer culturally informed and accessible services to LGBTQ2IA+ communities. Members of our network are committed to working from anti-oppressive, holistic and intersectional approaches that affirm LGBTQ2IA+ lived experiences, relationships and identities.

44. TRAPS Collective

TRAPS is a separatist collective by and for trans*, transsexual, transvestite trans fem and trans women from 2022. Our organization calls to resist and take action against transmisogyny, transphobia, capitalism, colonialism, racism, ableism and this society that wants us dead, or in the closet. We are convinced that organizing autonomously is a necessity and a warning to a revolutionary left who silences us in the name of a unity, which reflects nothing but its transmisogyny.