When: Sunday, 14 May 2017, 2pm
Where: Jarry Parc (metro Castelnau), near the Gazebo
What: On Mothers’ Day, the Non Status Women’s Collective of Montreal is hosting a picnic to celebrate the struggles of courageous mothers who have crossed and defied borders for a better future for themselves and for their children.
Bikes Against Borders
The quick details:
When: May 7th, 10am – 6pm
Where: Right to Move community bike shop, behind Concordia’s Hall building between Mackay and Bishop streets.
What: Right to Move and Solidarity Across Borders are teaming up for a one-day bike-repair-a-thon on May 7, in which Right to Move volunteers and other mechanics can get your bike ready to roll – with all proceeds from the effort going to Solidarity Across Borders, a grassroots migrant justice network.
Status for All Organizing Assembly
Open the Borders! Anti-Fascist Contingent for May Day
Bloc Party for migrant justice!
Bash the Fash: Confronting the Rise of the New Right
African Anarchism: The History of a Movement

Thank you! From the LEARN TO RESIST collective
The organizing collective of the Learn To Resist Teach-In Against the Far-Right would like to thank everyone who contributed to making the weekend of workshops and discussions a great success.
Concordia undergrads! VOTE YES to making Concordia a Sanctuary Campus (This week!)
Learn to Resist: Solidarity Safety Kit
Teach-in and conference about resisting the far-right
Two Days of Workshops, Discussions and Skill-sharing
Saturday, March 25 & Sunday, March 26, 10am-6pm
– Day 1 (March 25) at Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve West, 7th floor (métro Guy-Concordia)
– Day 2 (March 26) at Cégep Vieux-Montréal, 255A, rue Ontario Est (métro Berri-UQAM)