SO HOMO: a dance party (fundraiser for the Prisoner Correspondence Project)

∆ ∆ SO HOMO: un party de dance // a dance party ∆ ∆

19 novembre, à 22:30


5656 Avenue du Parc



Avec/ Featuring DJs:

♥ ♥ OOCee

♥ ♥ Sam

♥ ♥ Don de Dieu

♥ ♥ krza

[et autres // and more …]

$5-$10 comme tu peux // pwyc, noone turned away for lack of funds


The Prisoner Correspondence Project is a collectively-run initiative based out of Montreal, Quebec. It coordinates a direct-correspondence program for gay, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, gendervariant, two-spirit, intersex, bisexual and queer inmates in Canada and the United States, linking these inmates with people a part of these same communities outside of prison.

We are always looking for new non-incarcerated folks to become penpals! If you are interested, check out our website and then get in touch.

The Prisoner Correspondence Project is a working group of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia University. We ♥ our PIRG.


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