QPIRG Concordia is currently hiring for three summer positions

i) Summer Resource Library & Poster Archive Coordinator;
ii) Summer Community-University Research Exchange Co-Coordinator; and
iii) Summer Translation Coordinator
ABOUT QPIRG Concordia: The Quebec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia is a resource centre for student and community research and organizing. We strive to raise awareness and support grassroots activism around diverse social and environmental issues. Our work is rooted in an anti-oppression analysis and practice. We seek to make campus-community links and inspire social change through engaging, inclusive and non-hierarchical approaches. For more information about QPIRG Concordia, visit www.qpirgconcordia.org
Deadline for applications is June 23, 2011 at 5pm. All three positions are on an eight-week contract beginning Monday, July 4, 2011.
The Summer Resource Library & Poster Archive Coordinator position is open to full-time Concordia students only, while the other two positions are open to full-time students at any institution. Detailed information about each position, including eligibility, is included below.
i) Summer Resource Library & Poster Archive Coordinator
We are currently seeking applications for the position of Summer Resource Library & Poster Archive Coordinator.
JOB DESCRIPTION: The Resource Library and Poster Archive Coordinator will work alongside the staff and volunteers at the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia University. This position will concentrate on the development, organization, and outreach of QPIRG Concordia’s Resource Center, and the maintenance and expansion of the QPIRG Concordia Poster Archive. For more information about the QPIRG Resource library, visit: qpirgconcordia.org/librarycirculation and alternativelibraries.org
JOB TASKS: Resource cataloguing, resource purchasing, campus and community promotion of the library, volunteer coordination, liaising with partner resource libraries, sorting and organizing poster archive materials, digitization of poster archive materials, and providing support to space users wishing to access the library or poster archive.
– ability to work independently and with groups
– working knowledge of French & English
– ability to communicate with people of diverse backgrounds
– volunteering experience and/or working within a volunteer organization
– proven organizational and time management skills
– ability to take initiative and work independently
– very good written and oral communication skills in English and French
– creative problem-solving skills
– experience with and working knowledge of WordPress and Adobe Creative Suite
– knowledge of the local social justice milieu
– commitment to social justice and to QPIRG’s mandate to counter discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex, gender, religion, colour, dis/ability, size, and class
– skills in database maintenance
– skills in volunteer recruitment, retention, and coordination
– Work with QPIRG staff and volunteers to identify gaps in the QPIRG Resource Center (e.g. French language materials, materials on issues faced by students with disabilities, etc.)
– Work with committee of volunteers to research and order new materials (books, magazines, DVDs, etc.)
– Recruit and work with Resource Centre volunteers
– Maintain database to catalogue Resource Centre materials
– Train volunteers in data entry and database maintenance
– Maintain a user-friendly and accessible system for borrowing and returning materials
– Organize training sessions for QPIRG staff and volunteers on efficient use of the system
– Develop strategies to publicize Resource Center to Concordia students and the broader community
– Liaise with partner members of the Alternative Libraries Database
– Update poster archive with materials collected in 2010-2011 year
– Begin digitizing existing and new poster archive materials
– Develop a user-friendly public website with archive materials
– Submit a final report detailing work completed on both projects to the board of directors at the end of the contract
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (Please note that this position is open to Concordia University students who meet the following eligibility requirements):
– Is between 15 and 30 years of age (inclusive)
– Was registered as a full-time student in the previous academic year
– Has the intention of returning to full-time studies in the upcoming academic year
– Is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or refugee
EMPLOYMENT EQUITY: QPIRG Concordia recognizes and welcomes the unique contributions that individuals from marginalized and oppressed communities bring to our organization, and invites these individuals to apply. We encourage applicants to describe the unique contributions they, as individuals with diverse experiences, would bring to QPIRG Concordia in their cover letter or resume. Please indicate clearly in your cover letter that you would like to be considered for Employment Equity. A full copy of the employment equity policy is available upon request.
CONTRACT DURATION: 8 week contract, beginning on July 4 (for details regarding salary and hours please contact the hiring committee at the address below)
HOW TO APPLY: Please send a CV, cover letter, and a clear indication of your eligibility to hiring@qpirgconcordia.org with “Summer Resource Library & Poster Archive Coordinator” in the subject line;
you can drop off the same information at our office during business hours (Monday to Thursday, 12-6pm, at 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204).
You can contact QPIRG-Concordia at (514) 848-7585, email us at hiring@qpirgconcordia.org or visit us at 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204. Please note that only applicants who are short-listed for interviews will be contacted by the hiring committee.
For more information about QPIRG Concordia, visit www.qpirgconcordia.org and for more info about the QPIRG Resource library, visit: qpirgconcordia.org/librarycirculation and alternativelibraries.org
ii) Community-University Research Exchange (CURE) Co-Coordinator
We are currently seeking applications for the position of Co-coordinator of the Community-University Research Exchange (CURE). CURE is a core project of QPIRG Concordia.
ABOUT CURE: The Community-University Research Exchange (CURE) is a database by which students can integrate their academic research with the work of local movements and activist organizations. Through the administrative infrastructures already in place at McGill and Concordia University, students may complete a CURE research project as an independent study course, internship, or thesis advised by a departmental professor, or as a term project for an upper-level class. By connecting students to non-profit community groups with limited resources, we hope to encourage and support academic research that is socially relevant. For more information about CURE, visit: www.qpirgconcordia.org/cure
This is a grant-based contract position for full-time students (any campus). Pease see eligibility requirements below.
– Working in collaboration with the current CURE co-coordinator, as well as the CURE committee, comprised of members of QPIRG Concordia and McGill, to coordinate the CURE project during the summer.
– Updating and revamping the CURE website and database, including a new design.
– Outreach and communications with McGill and Concordia departments and faculty to raise awareness about CURE
– Working specifically with McGill and Concordia professors to integrate CURE into their curriculum.
– Organizing a schedule of classroom visits on the McGill and Concordia campuses for September
– Helping to plan a CURE awareness-raising event in August.
– Co-facilitating a review of current CURE projects
– Supporting fellow co-coordinator with community outreach to raise awareness about CURE and soliciting new proposals.
– Supporting fellow co-coordinator in working with community groups in developing CURE projects
– Working collaboratively with staff and board of both QPIRGs to meet short and long-term goals for the project
– Submitting a final report detailing work completed to the QPIRG Concordia Board of directors at the end of the contract
– Knowledge of Montreal-area community groups
– Knowledge of QPIRG Concordia and QPIRG McGill, including their mandates and projects
– Experience with the structures of academia and academic research, specifically at Concordia and McGill
– Strong website skills (including good knowledge of WordPress and Drupal)
– Comfort with computers in Mac and PC environments
– Ability to communicate with people of diverse backgrounds
– Demonstrated organizational and time management skills
– Ability to take initiative and work independently
– Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
– Good oral communication skills in French
– Creative problem-solving skills
– Commitment to social justice and to QPIRG’s mandate to counter discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex, gender, religion, colour, dis/ability, size, and class
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Please not that this job is open to any student in high school, university, CEGEP, or in a vocational or technical program anywhere in Canada who meet the following eligibilty requirements:
– Is between 15 and 30 years of age (inclusive)
– Was registered as a full-time student in the previous academic year
– Has the intention of returning to full-time studies in the upcoming academic year
– Is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or refugee
– Be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.
EMPLOYMENT EQUITY: QPIRG Concordia recognizes and welcomes the unique contributions that individuals from marginalized and oppressed communities bring to our organization, and invites these individuals to apply. We encourage applicants to describe the unique contributions they, as individuals with diverse experiences, would bring to QPIRG Concordia in their cover letter or resume. Please indicate clearly in your cover letter that you would like to be considered for Employment Equity.
CONTRACT DURATION: 8 week contract, beginning on July 4 (for full salary and hours details contact the hiring committee at the address below)
HOW TO APPLY: Please send a CV, cover letter and a clear indication of your eligibility to hiring@qpirgconcordia.org with “Summer CURE Co-Coordinator” in the subject line;
you can drop off the same information at our office during business hours (Monday to Thursday, 12-6pm, at 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204).
You can contact QPIRG-Concordia at (514) 848-7585, email us at hiring@qpirgconcordia.org or visit us at 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204. Please note that only applicants who are short-listed for interviews will be contacted by the hiring committee.
For more information about QPIRG Concordia, visit www.qpirgconcordia.org and for more info about CURE visit www.qpirgconcordia.org/cure
iii) Summer Translation (English to French) Coordinator
We are currently seeking applications for the position of Summer Translation (English to French) Coordinator.
JOB DESCRIPTION: The Summer Translation Coordinator will work alongside the staff and volunteers at the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia University. This position will concentrate on translating QPIRG’s core documents, publicity and outreach materials, and parts of the website into French.
JOB TASKS: Translating core documents such as policies, translating and updating outreach and publicity materials, translating (and/or updating the translation) of parts of the main QPIRG website as well as other websites that QPIRG hosts.
– Experience doing English to French written translation
– Ability to work independently and with groups
– Ability to communicate with people of diverse backgrounds
– Proven organizational and time management skills
– Access to a computer and Internet access outside of QPIRG’s office
– Ability to take initiative and work independently
– Creative problem-solving skills
– Knowledge of the local social justice milleu
– Commitment to social justice and to QPIRG’s mandate to counter discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex, gender, religion, colour, dis/ability, size, and class
– Experience doing translation for social justice and community groups
– Experience with and working knowledge of WordPress and Adobe Creative Suite
– Volunteering experience and/or working within a volunteer organization
– Work with QPIRG staff and volunteers to identify translation needs regarding QPIRG print and electronic materials.
– Translate a variety of QPIRG’s materials, including policies, publicity materials, and website materials
– Submit a final report detailing work completed on to the board of directors at the end of the contract
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Please not that this job is open to any student in high school, university, CEGEP, or in a vocational or technical program anywhere in Canada who meet the following eligibility requirements:
– Is between 15 and 30 years of age (inclusive)
– Was registered as a full-time student in the previous academic year
– Has the intention of returning to full-time studies in the upcoming academic year
– Is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or refugee
– Be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.
EMPLOYMENT EQUITY: QPIRG Concordia recognizes and welcomes the unique contributions that individuals from marginalized and oppressed communities bring to our organization, and invites these individuals to apply. We encourage applicants to describe the unique contributions they, as individuals with diverse experiences, would bring to QPIRG Concordia in their cover letter or resume. Please indicate clearly in your cover letter that you would like to be considered for Employment Equity. A full copy of the employment equity policy is available upon request.
CONTRACT DURATION: 8 week contract, beginning on July 4 (for full salary and hours details please contact the hiring committee at the address below)
HOW TO APPLY: Please send a CV, cover letter and a clear indication of your eligibility to hiring@qpirgconcordia.org with “Summer Translation Coordinator” in the subject line;
 you can drop off the same information at our office during business hours (Monday to Thursday, 12-6pm, at 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204).
IMPORTANT: applicants for the Summer Translation Coordinator position must also submit a sample of relevant translation work (French translation with English original text), as well as provide two references.
NOTE: This position will be selected on the basis of the cover letter, CV, eligibility, translation sample, as well as references.
You can contact QPIRG-Concordia at (514) 848-7585, email us at hiring@qpirgconcordia.org or visit us at 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204. For more information about QPIRG Concordia, visit www.qpirgconcordia.org.

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