Looking for support and resources for your grassroots social justice project? Apply to be a QPIRG Working Group!
Working Groups are the heart of QPIRG Concordia! They are groups, collectives, networks, projects and campaigns that organize together in the Montreal community and beyond, on a wide variety of issues directly related to social and environmental justice.
Together, QPIRG Concordia’s working groups share skills and knowledge, engage in popular education and art, organize events and protests, provide support and solidarity, publish alternative research and analysis, and in general, contribute, encourage, and maintain resistance in diverse and creative ways.
What benefits do working groups get?
-funding from QPIRG
-priority access to booking our space
-use of QPIRG’s non-profit status for grants etc
-use of our space for storage
-low cost printing and photocopying
-use of QPIRG address
-priority use of our computers
-QPIRG promoting your group and events
-being connected to other grassroots groups doing great work!
Working Group budget maximums:
If you haven’t been a working group before: $500;
if this will be your second year: $1000;
and if you’ve been a working group for 2+ years: $2000
For any questions, you can write to info@qpirgconcordia.org
To apply, please fill out the following Google form:
The application form is also available as a downloadable file:
We accept applications in written (PDF or .doc), audio (mp3 or wav) or video (mp4) formats. Written applications can be in either full paragraphs or in point form.If you would like assistance in completing the application, please contact us before the deadline.
**Deadline to apply is Wednesday, August 25th at 5pm.**