(Sunday) Vigil in solidarity with Ferguson uprising and victims of police violence

Vigil in solidarity with Ferguson uprising and victims of police violence
Sunday, August 17 at 6pm
rendez-vous: 480 Gilford, métro Laurier (St-Joseph exit)
in front of the Fraternité des policiers et policières de Montréal

Gather together in front of the office of the Fraternité des policiers et policières de Montréal.

In response to the Anonymous call for protests outside police stations:

This demonstration is supported by:
La Coalition contre la répression et les abus policiers; La Coalition Justice pour les Victimes de Bavures Policières / Justice for the Victims of Police Killings; Le Groupe d’action et de défense contre les abus policiers (GADAP); Le Groupe de recherche d’intérêt public / Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG Concordia); No One Is Illegal / Personne n’est illégal-Montréal; et plus / and more.

“Our job, as police officers, is repression. We do not need a social worker as a director, we need a general. After all, the police is a paramilitary organization, let’s not forget it.” — The President of the Police Fraternity of Quebec, Yves Francoeur.