A short film by Clifton Nicholas; Film Screening and Discussion
MONDAY, MARCH 17, 5pm-7pm
at QPIRG Concordia
1500, de Maisonneuve West, #204
venue is wheelchair accessible
for free childcare, please reserve in advance at 514-848-7585
please get in touch with any accessibility needs
No Fracking Way! is a short 20 minute documentary about the struggle against fracking in Mi’kmaq territory and the impact of heavy handed police intervention on peaceful protest in October 2013. The people of Elsibogtog and people involved in the anti-fracking movement discuss the impact of the proposed fracking operation by Texas based energy company SWN and the RCMP response to the resistance to fracking. Information for donations for legal defense for those arrested will be provided at screening.
Introduction by Lindsay Nixon of the Indigenous Women and Two-Spirit Harm Reduction Coalition.
This event is part of Israeli Apartheid Week (March 10-17); info: www.iawmontreal.org
Le Groupe de recherche d’intérêt public du Québec à Concordia (GRIP Concordia)
The Quebec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia University (QPIRG Concordia)
Your campus-community link for social change!
Nous sommes situés à / We are located at:
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, # 204
tél: 514-848-7585 – fax: 514-848-7584
Heures d’ouvertures : lundi à jeudi, 12h-18h
Office Hours: M-Th, 12-6pm
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