(WEDNESDAY 3pm) Radical Walking Tour of Concordia

Meet @ QPIRG Concordia (1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204)

Come learn more about social justice struggles at Concordia University and beyond. Topics include: The 1969 Sir George Williams Computer Center Riot; The 1970 Santhanam Affair; The 1987 Day of Action Against Tuition Hikes; The 2002 Netanyahu Riot/Uprising on Campus; and more.
As well, learn about food politics, feminism, gender liberation, corporatization and campus space, environmental justice & sustainability, and labour politics
The walking tour will begin in the QPIRG space at 2pm, and move to other areas of campus shortly afterwards. The tour will last approximately 2 hours. Please confirm you’re attending at info@qpirgconcordia.org