TUESDAY, September 20, 6pm
@ Hall Building 7th Floor CSU lounge – 1455 de Maisonneuve West
(métro Guy-Concordia, wheelchair accessible)

The Stephen Harper Conservatives have secured a majority government for the next four years. The coming years of austerity, cutbacks and regressive social policies will be a huge challenge for social and environmental justice movements.
We encourage students and community members to join the “Harper Mutiny,” a teach-in and discussion about the policies of the Conservative government and how to effectively resist them in the coming years. We will learn more, from local campus and community-based groups, about the Harper government’s policies on education & accessibility, immigrant rights, national security, crime and prisons, the environment, the economy and more.
Join the Harper Mutiny on September 20. Let’s build resistance together!
Part of QPIRG Concordia’s DISORIENTATION: a different side of student life.