Qteam wants your zines for this year’s Queer Between the Covers bookfair!

QUEER BETWEEN THE COVERS  is coming up soon and we want you there!
We are looking for queer zines, distros, zinesters, bookmakers, etc. to be part of this exciting event!
Get in touch: queerbetweenthecovers@gmail.com
Queer Between the Covers, the fourth annual queer bookfair in Montreal is being held Saturday, August 13 2011.
Queer Between the Covers is a collectively organized Queer Lit Book Fair funded by and in association with Qteam (qteam.org), a queer collective based in Montreal that operates as a working group of the Quebec Public Interest Research Groups at McGill and Concordia (qpirgmcgill.org and qpirgconcordia.org).
The bookfair is being organized as part of the fifth annual Pervers/Cité (perverscite.org), a series of events aimed at providing a financially accessible and issue-based alternative to the annual Divers/Cité cultural festival, aka Montreal Pride. A sweet series of events is being organized again this year, set to take place in the first two weeks of August.
We are inviting bookstores, publishers, and zine distros from across Eastern Canada and the Northeastern United States to bring queer books, zines, videos, and other materials to sell. There is no table fee. We can also help you distro your stuff if you can’t make it yourself. Just GET IN TOUCH!
Since the closing of L’Androgyne in 2002, Montreal has not maintained a long-standing queer bookstore. Through this event, we hope to provide access to queer materials that are otherwise unavailable in the city, as well as draw attention to the role of queer bookstores in providing community space and supporting queer cultural production.
QUEER ZINES FOR THE WIN! email us! queerbetweenthecovers@gmail.com
*If you aren’t in Montreal but would like to distro, let us know and we can try to arrange something!

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