Community-University Research Exchange (CURE)

CURE is no longer a QPIRG Project. To contact CURE Concordia, please email

Or for more information, check out the CURE website

The Community-University Research Exchange (CURE) facilitates research collaborations between grassroots community groups and university students. Community groups can make research requests, and students can undertake that research, often for class credit.
– If you’re a student, get in touch about how to link your classroom experience with local community organizations and their research requests. There are more than 75 projects in the CURE database for students to consider.
– If you’re a community organization, consider making a research request that might be useful to your group’s day-to-day work and organizing.
– If you’re a professor, get in touch about how your students can participate in CURE, and get on-the-ground experience doing community-based research.
CURE is rooted in the community-based social justice research model, based on the idea of research as a tool of social transformation. By empowering marginalized and oppressed communities and by providing support to social movements for justice and dignity, research tries to better the world, not reinforce its injustices. Community-based social justice research, like social movements at their best, offers new possibilities and alternatives.

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